TENT Pvt. MK-3
• The Officers Tent or Private Wall Tent was probably the most versatile tent used during the Second World War. It was used as a medical station, officer’s quarter and command post, and in all, was one of the most utilized tent models in the war.
• Its modern variant retains its useful features and approximate dimensions and has many new attributes that make it one of the most useful tents in even present conditions.
• Unlike other tents, this walled tent yields a large and entirely usable space.
• Its Kanats (Walls) and Flies are well insulated and it is strong enough to withstand very harsh weather conditions.
• Consists of 3 parts – Walls or Kanats, Outer Fly & Inner Fly.
• Inner Fly is made of Dosootie to provide warmth.
• Outer Fly is made of Duck Cotton strong enough to withstand the fiercest storms.
• The Kanats (Walls) are made of quilted Dosootie to act as protection against cold breezes.
• Netting is provided on the windows as prevention from mosquitoes.
• Tall height of walls for better headroom.
• Large enough to support upto 10 men.
• 8 Windows for better cross-ventilation.
• Doors on each side for quicker accessibility.
• Single center pole for more usable floor area.
• Outer Fly
• Inner Fly
• Iron/Wooden Pegs
• Metal/Wooden Standing Pole
• Metal/Wooden Wall Poles